Curriculum Vitae (English)

prof. dr. Paolo Bosisio, LHD

Opera Stage Director

Emeritus of Theatre in the State University of Milan

viale Lunigiana, 15 – 20125 – Milano – Italy

mob. +39.351.8040349

tel. +66.806533830


  • Doctor Honoris Causa in Art – University “Dunarea de Jos” – Galati – Romania Doctor Honoris Causa
  • Doctor Honoris Causa – Academia de Muzica “Gheorghe Dima” – Cluj Napoca – Romania  
  • 18 years as Artistic Director and General Manager in Theatres and Festivals
  • 31 years as Full University Professor of Theatre’s History and Artistic and Organizational management of the structures for the live show 
  • 8  years as Television Director and Writer
  • 9  years as Special Events Creator and Director
  • more than 20 years as Opera Stage Director
  • 25 scientific books – 1 D’Annunzio Award for Criticism
  • 100 essays and papers published in scientific periodicals



Between 1999 and 2002 he was appointed artistic director and General Manager at the Teatro del Vittoriale degli Italiani, a 1.600 sits open air theatre situated in the park of an historical monument on the Garda Lake (Italy). Under his direction the theatre  expanded and modified its programming (including opera, operetta, musicals, drama, dance, ballet, symphonic and pop music) achieving a huge expansion of the audience and positioning itself among the most interesting Italian open-air stages.


He is artistic director of Metropoli Ballet Festival in Milan, of Farnese Opera Festival in Piacenza and of Sforzesco Ballet Festival in Vigevano (Italy).


He is also artistic director of the Arlecchino Award promoted by the Mantua Foundation, European Capital of Performing Arts.


He is Artistic Director of the historical Giacosa Theatre in IvreaVillani Theatre in Biella and of a network of theatres in the Piemonte area.
He is also Artistic Director of the Opera and ballet festival “Palcoscenico sotto le stele” in the Piemonte area (Italy)


He is Artistic Director and Honorary President of the International festival of Opera and Music “Nae Leonard” – Galati (Romania).



After some non professional experiences in the theatre’s field, Paolo Bosisio met in 1968 the well-known director Fantasio Piccoli, becoming his assistant.

Thanks to Piccoli, he got to know Luchino Visconti, one of the most important italian moovie and opera directors in the world and he was employed as assistant to him.

Later he had the chance to work in several different positions with Giorgio Strehler, the most important Italian director of the XXth Century, in Dramatic and Opera Theatre


The following year he went into Italian television as assistant director to Mario Fattori and Edo Cacciari: for eight years he worked as a television director and television writer.

 In 1974 he received the Perla MIFED award for the television series, Concerto a modo mio produced by TSI – Swiss Italian television (as screenwriter and director)


From 1986 he has conceived and directed numerous events of great spectacular value (conventions, launches, exhibitions, fashion shows, celebrations) for many international firms.

Among these it is worthwhile recalling his stunning recreation of the ancient Olympic Games which opened in the Selinunte archeological site in Sicily. The audience numbered around 14.000 spectators and the event was televised by 63 different television channels worldwide.


In the Ninties he focuses his activity of Director exclusively on Opera and Musical Theatre.

He is hired as a Stage Director by many theaters and festivals in Italy and abroad.

Listed below the titles of some of the operas directed by him, often in several different editions and different theatres:

  • Aida, Otello, Traviata, Trovatore, Rigoletto, Un ballo in maschera, Attila  by Giuseppe Verdi
  • Boheme, Madama Butterfly, Tosca, Turandot by Giacomo Puccini
  • L’elisir d’amore, Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti
  • Don Giovanni, by W. A. Mozart
  • Cenerentola by Gioachino Rossini
  • Carmen, Les pecheurs de perles by Georges Bizet
  • Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni
  • Pagliacci by Ruggiero Leoncavallo

Currently he is permanent guest stage director in Teatrul National de Opera si Opereta “Nae Leonard” – Galati – Romania  

Photos and videos regarding several of the last shows directed by Paolo Bosisio, can be seen in his Portfolio:



At the same time he was working at University, where since 1987 he held the Chair of History of Theatre and Performing Arts in the Arts Faculty at Milan State University.

He was also Director of the Theatre and Performing Arts Department and Dean of the Faculty of Art and Cultural Heritages in the same University.

 As Professeur Associé, he taught at the Sorbonne III in Paris and at Milan’s Catholic University he ran a course on Production and Artistic Direction of the Performing Arts.


He taught History of Theatre at the Piccolo Teatro School (part of Milan’s Piccolo Teatro), initially directed by Giorgio Strehler and then by Luca Ronconi.

In 2016 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Arts by Universitatea “Dunarea de Jos” – Galati – Romania.

Next November 8th he will be awarded with another Honorary Doctorate by Academia de Muzica “Gheorghe Dima” – Cluj Napoca (the biggest and most important university in Romania).


He has published extensively in the field of Theatre History and Drama Studies, with a specific focus on the Eighteenth and Twentieth centuries

He published the following books:

  1. Popolarità e classicità nel teatro comico del Cinquecento, Milano, Principato, 1975.
  2. Carlo Gozzi e Goldoni – Una polemica letteraria con versi inediti e rari, Firenze, Olschki,1979.
  3.  Carlo Gozzi, Fiabe teatrali, Testo, introduzione e commento a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Roma, Bulzoni, 1984.

4.  La parola e la scena. Studi sul teatro italiano tra ‘700 e ‘900, Roma, Bulzoni, 1987.

  1.  Samuel T. Coleridge, La caduta di Robespierre, traduzione, introduzione e commento a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Torino, Einaudi, 1989.
  2.  AA.VV., Lo spettacolo nella rivoluzione francese, a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Roma, Bulzoni, 1989.
  3.  Alessandro Manzoni, Il Conte di Carmagnola, a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Torino, Einaudi, 1990.
  4.   Tra ribellione e utopia. L’esperienza teatrale nell’Italia delle repubbliche napoleoniche, Roma, Bulzoni, 1990.
  5.  ll teatro di Goldoni sulle scene italiane del Novecento, Milano, Electa, 1993.
  6. Carlo Goldoni, Memorie, testo critico, traduzione, introduzione e commento a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Milano, Mondadori, 1993.
  7.  Teatro dell’Occidente. Elementi di storia della drammaturgia e dello spettacolo teatrale, Milano, LED, 1996 (II edizione rinnovata e ampliata in due volumi, 2006). Tradotto e pubblicato in lingua greca (ιστορία του θεάτρου, Athen, Αιγόκερως, 2006)
  8. Patrice Pavis, Dizionario di teatro, edizione italiana a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1998.
  9. Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, Tutto il teatro, testo, introduzione e commento a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Milano, Mondadori, 1999.
  10. ‘Ho pensato a voi scrivendo Gigliola’. Teresa Franchini: un’attrice per d’Annunzio, Roma, Bulzoni, 2000 (Premio D’Annunzio per la saggistica 2000).
  11.  AA.VV., Il teatro di regia alle soglie del terzo millennio, a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Roma, Bulzoni, 2001.
  12.  AA.VV., Storia della regia teatrale in Italia, a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Milano, Mondadori, 2003.
  13.  1979-2003: Milano in scena per i 25 anni di ‘Invito a teatro’, a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Milano, Bulzoni, 2004.
  14.  Carlo Gozzi, Memorie inutili, edizione critica a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Milano, LED, 2006, 2 voll.
  15.  Tra Goldoni e Strehler: Arlecchino e la commedia dell’arte, a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Roma, Bulzoni, 2007.
  16.  Giorgio Strehler, Autobiografia per immagini, a cura di Paolo Bosisio e Giovanni Soresi, Pisa, Titivillus, 2010.
  17.  Paolo Bosisio, Alberto Bentoglio, Mariagabriella Cambiaghi, Il teatro drammatico nella Milano dell’Ottocento, Roma, Bulzoni, 2011.
  18.  Carlo Gozzi, Re Cervo, edizione critica e commentata a cura di Paolo Bosisio e Valentina Garavaglia, Edizione Nazionale delle opere di Carlo Gozzi, Venezia, Marsilio, 2013
  19. Tra filologia e storia del teatro. Pagine sparse, Roma, Bulzoni, 2017, 2 voll.

24.Quando il preside portava il grembiulino, Milano, Mondadori-Electa, 2021

25 – J.P.C. de Marivaux – La doppia incostanza – La finta serva – Il trionfo dell’amore, a cura di Paolo Bosisio, Imola, Cuepress (in corso di pubblicazione)

He has also published more than 100 critical essays and papers on some of the most important scientific Italian and foreign magazines.


He joined as lecturer, chairman and scientific director a huge number of scientific congresses in Italy and abroad.

He held lectures in many of the many of the most prestigious universities in the world as:

  • Université Paris Sorbonne, Lyon, Avignon – France
  • Harvard, New York, UCLA, Berkeley, San Francisco State        University and Providence – USA
  • Toronto – Canada
  • Dublin – Ireland
  • Glasgow – United Kingdom
  • Astana – Kazakhstan
  • Innsbruck – Austria
  • Warshaw, Cracov, Lodz – Poland
  • Galati, Cluj Napoca – Romania
  • Stockolm – Sweden
  • Sydney – Australia
  • Bejin, Tongji and Fudan Universities Shangay – China